
8 teams, 24 people

International corporate and local startup employees, freelancers, business owner

Product owners, Scrum masters, Agile coaches, Developers, Network engineers, Business analysts, Managers


14-March, 2023


Lamparen, Hlavna 115, Kosice, Slovakia


Agile Pub Quiz held in person, with drinks in our hands and the good vibe



12 statements, aiming to respond if they were true or false. In case the answer was wrong, the team earned a negative point. 
Example: 14 out of 20 co-authors of the agile manifesto have a technical background. True or false?


12 incomplete sentences, where the goal was to complete the sentence with the expected word. In case the answer was wrong, the team didn't earn any points.
Example: Shift-fill testing is an approach to software and system testing in which quality assurance is performed earlier in the lifecycle.


4 scenarios, each dedicated to a different role, as what would you do as a Scrum master, Product owner, developer, and manager, aiming to match the responses from different personas.
Personas: 3 valued agilists: Mike Cohn, Jon Kern, Dominika Bula, 1 made up: "Ms. Corprat". When the team chose "Ms. Corprat's" answer, they earned four negative points.
Example: You are a manager. You want to finally start measuring the outcome over the output. You share the idea with the product team but as a group, you haven't figured out where to start. What would you do next?


Discussion highlights

  • turn on cameras policy was the trigger for the discussion
  • The "cameras on" policy being a discomfort for introverts seems a premise. Typically, it’s a problem with people not being really involved in a meeting over being introverts. In order to help introverts, the goal is to be able to figure out just right enough stress outside of their comfort zone, which can be helpful for them on personal
  • take under consideration, e.g., a woman can have a bad hair day, or they don’t feel confident without the make-up. To address this, share the camera policy prior to the meeting, so people can prepare
  • it’s a problem when the technical authority doesn’t respect the camera policy because the rest of the team will follow. Consider incorporating this as a company culture; clear when hiring people
  • main objective for a Scrum master should be to assist with creating a safe environment for everyone. Whatever it means for the specific composition of the organization
A forum containing all 4 topics available here
Feel free to contribute :)

Content inspiration


  • question numbering mistake brought the confusion
    • action: organizers to have someone else review the deck
  • some questions were ambiguous
    • action: clearly state where it's vague on purpose and where we expect to state the fact
  • changing the pointing system during the quiz brought confusion
    • action: don't change the rules, don't be "too agile" (a.k.a. people pleaser) when the questions seem too hard
  • correct answers expectations from "Do you think like an agilist" were not clearly defined
    • action: refine the pointing strategy for this very subjective round
  • people were not familiar with some of the methodologies before, the goal achieved to encourage the curiosity to discover other ways of working
    • action: share the materials which inspired us [DONE, see Content inspiration section above]
  • when the slide contained more text, people had to get up and come close to read
    • action: not sure yet since some of the questions will have more text to get the whole context. Some people took a picture of the slide and sat back. So we may make this an option for the next round.
  • people enjoyed the event; they were interested in frequency and format of this gathering
    • action: keep collecting feedback and ideas. So far, we'll stick with the local quiz format until we'll have enough content and until people would enjoy it
    If you have additional ideas to try or improve, please reach out. You can find the contact info on the home page.
